Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Oxymoron in Chief

How can this man be allowed to be president?

Aside from Sandra Day O’Connor’s ludicrous legal logic in support of her desire to retire with a Republican in the White House, there is no reason for someone this criminally stupid and venal occupying the Oval Office.

Two more examples from Monday:

I believe strongly that politicians in Washington shouldn't be telling generals how to do their job. And I believe artificial timetables of withdrawal would be a mistake.

Excuse me, but does the Constitution not say that Congress shall declare war and and raise armies, that the Senate shall advise and consent to the appointment of military officers and that the president shall be commander in chief? Last I looked, Bush and Congress are “politicians in Washington.” (Or as he spits it every single time, "poliTISHins in WARSHington" as if a curse.) It is exactly the job of the president and Congress -- politicians all -- to tell generals how to do their jobs. Ever hear of Lincoln and McClellan? FDR and Eisenhower? Truman and MacArthur? LBJ and Westmoreland?

And what exactly is “an artificial timetable,” or as Bush actually enunciated before White House gnomes cleaned up his grammar, “a artificial timetable?” A timetable is a timetable. It can be a good one, a bad one, a general one, a specific one. But it cannot be artificial. The only artificial timetable is the one in this man’s artificial brain, a timetable the one the Democrats are proposing and which he will ultimately accept as his own while calling his opponents traitors.

In a similar exercise in verbal flatus, he was asked about the disastrous Senate testimony of Albert Gonzales. Said the dumbest Yale graduate in history,
“He answered as honestly as he could.”

Which sounds very much like “a artificial timetable.” Or a oxymoron -- the second half of which causes the statues of Lincoln and Jefferson to shed tears every night when the tourists leave.

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