Something to Chew On, But Not for Long
The first one to chew on seems to be a joke, but it is isn’t. The authors claim this is the world’s first study on whether listening to your lip-smacking while eating makes you enjoy the meal more.
This is an important subject, they say, because it is well known that elderly people

Y’a think?
I have two theories why there was no relationship between hearing yourself masticate and having a mouth orgasm over the food. 1) Old people don’t hear so well. 2) The study was done in England, where nothing can improve the enjoyment of one’s meal.
I am only thankful that my tax dollars did not pay for this study.
No Moose is Good Moose
The second study is very much important to the people, and wildlife, of the state of Maine.
A five-year study found that drivers in Maine 1)need to be more careful, 2)auto engineers ought to improve safety and 3) state arborists ought to remove roadside vegetation in order to cut down on the fatality rate caused by horny moose.
This was paid for by my tax dollars, not that I can identify which ones.

Although collisions with moose accounted for only 15% of collisions with animals, they accounted for 803 (50%) of the 1,600 total injuries: 14 (82%) of the 17 fatal injuries and 789 (50%) of the 1,583 nonfatal injuries.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled pharmaceutical, gene-cloning and breast implant scares.
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